Harp Luthiers
Bytown Instruments (owner of Fleur de Lyre Music) operating in Ottawa Ontario. Maker of the Novice 26 Harp as well as providing service, parts and accessories for all makes of harps.
Newsom Harps (Calgary) - www.newsomharps.ca
British Columbia
Josephus Harps (Vancouver Island) - www.harpcanada.com/josephusharps.htm
Apollo Harps (West Kelowna) - www.apolloharps.com
Fisher Harps (Winnipeg) - www.fisherharps.com
Nova Scotia
Timothy Harps (Bridgetown) - www.timothyharps.ca (I believe no longer in business.)
Roger Muma Musical Instruments (London) - www.mumaharps.com
Stanley & Stanley Harpmakers (Kingston) - www.stanleyharp.on.ca
Hayden Harps (Waterloo) - www.haydenharps.com