• Deux Chansons Populaires Francaise (2 Popular French Songs)

    Grandjany, Marcel

  • $21.85

  • Description

    "Et ron ron ron, petit patapon" and "Le bon petit roi d'Yvetot".

    For Pedal Harps


    Grade 8 Exam
    List C:  Et ron ron ron, petit patapon
                 Le bon petit roi d'Yvetot
    * pls confirm with the RCM website (https://examinations.rcmusic.ca/publications-0).  This is just a tool to help guide your choices and not necessarily up to date.
  • Deux Chansons Populaires Francaise (2 Popular French Songs)
  • Deux Chansons Populaires Francaise (2 Popular French Songs)
  • Deux Chansons Populaires Francaise (2 Popular French Songs)

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