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Land of the Long White Cloud Vol 1,2,3,4 are books that would be for the late intermediate level player and many were written so that Anna could play them at various occasions. They all have stories regarding who they were written for, or the event they were written about . Some are co-written by her partner, Shane Stewart, and have somewhat of a piping influence (bagpipes and whistles are his instruments), there are some which have an optional melody for a C instrument harmony or harp accompaniment while the other instrument plays the tune. 9 pages.
From the composer:
Aotearoa (the land of the long white cloud) ao - cloud, tea - white or clear, roa - long or tall
Aotearoa is the Maori name for New Zealand. Legend says that the explorer Kupe's first
indication of land in the distance was the long cloud which hung over the North Island of NZ.
Volume 4
Table of Content:
- Park Waltz
- Skerryvore (lament)
- Vinegar Hill (air)
- Bev's Fancy (slow reel)
- Fru Sally (slow reel)
- Mrs Raewynn Robertson (air)
West Park is the name we gave the new home of our lovely former neighbours.
Vinegar Hill was the former residence of good friends of ours
Bev's Fancy is dedicated to the wonderful and extraordinarily talented Beverley Young, and while I would describe this as a straightforward tune in the style of O'Carolan, the music reflects not Bev, but our ongoing friendship of the last twenty years which was sealed with several years of Thursday afternoon rehearsals, cups of tea, and lovely traditional songs.
Mrs Raewynn Robertson was written for the birthday of our treasured friend by the same name.
For Lever and Pedal Harp
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